3364 - The swiss contribution to the armenian issue

N. Lygeros

In the francophone world, we often concentrate on the case of France. Although this is natural, it is not necessarily opportune for every situation. Concerning the armenian issue, the 2001 law for the recognition of the Armenian genocide and the dispute about the penalization of the denial of the genocide, give the impression that everything is happening in France. But the armenian issue -even in the francophone countries- does not depend exclusively on the position of France on the international scene. We consider that it would be wiser to build our strategy on solid foundations which have proved their efficiency over time. So, the role of Switzerland is exemplary. This small country is a great defender of human rights. We often refer to the swiss neutrality with some condescension, without realizing that this neutrality makes sense only if it holds a strong position. Switzerland constitutes an example at many levels, and not only a symbolic one, like the pope’s swiss guard. The impact of the Red Cross to the world needs no proof. As to the swiss army and its deterrence capability, these are certified military given facts. Therefore, we should not be surprised that Switzerland has already voted for the recognition of the Armenian genocide as well as for the penalization of the non-recognition. We should bear in mind that in this domain, Switzerland is beyond the French horizon. Consequently, it serves as an example towards the realization of the concept. For, the purpose of the reparation process is not the symbolic recognition of the genocide. The reparation process represents a series of measures to be taken that are not necessarily sufficient for the victims of the genocide, but are certainly necessary for the survivors of the genocide. In order to deter the supporters of the non-recognition, who are especially violent in France, we should not content ourselves with a combat in this field. Otherwise, we risk falling into a communal dispute. On the contrary, no one can accuse the Swiss of being Armenians. So, we would rather put forward the swiss contribution so as to give a coherent and efficient framework for negotiation. The swiss position has absolutely no extremes. It is exclusively based on the spirit of human rights. Its hardness comes entirely from the necessity to condemn the executers and neutralize those who would attempt to commit the same thing in an indirect way, by supporting the genocide of memory. The swiss contribution is essential because it helps our arguments become undisputed. Without falling into the traps of the tricks being developed by the turkish lobbies, we could propose the swiss position and oppose the sly attacks of their propaganda. In addition, the swiss example helps to convince the indifferent of the armenian issue. The latter, as a whole, believe that our claims are exaggerated. However, knowing the swiss facts in this domain helps them to understand by themselves that our claims are, in fact, the realizations of human rights. By placing the focus of our combat on the swiss example, it is possible to give it not only a more neutral ground but especially a more convincing one for those who know the dispute about the armenian genocide only from a distance. This will make them realize the universal character of the armenian issue as a combat against a crime against humanity.